As emotions rage during the end of a marriage, one party can suddenly lash out against the other. When this happens, one spouse may come forward to file a restraining order against the other. Not only does this have significant bearing on the immediate situation of abuse, but it also has the potential to greatly impact the divorce proceedings that will follow, particularly in custody matters.
Restraining Orders During Divorce
At Brasier Law, LLC, we are committed to representing our clients in the midst of these overwhelming circumstances. Whether you are fighting for the safety of yourself and your children or you stand falsely accused, we understand the situation and can help you navigate through it.
If one parent has been found to have committed domestic or spousal abuse against the other, he or she will almost always lose custody of the children. This causes many spouses to seek restraining orders before the divorce has begun or been finalized.
Whether you are accusing your spouse or you are the accused, it is important that you seek legal counsel as soon as possible. Time is an essential variable in these matters, and we will act immediately on your behalf. We will gather any evidence or accounts that there are to build your case and fully tell your story in court.
Temporary Child Custody Lawyer
If an order has been filed against you, you have 30 days to contest. During this time, the other parent who has filed against you will likely be granted temporary child custody of the children. If the order is not contested within 30 days, it will become permanent, and you will likely lose custody.
The accuser must prove at a hearing that his or her claims are valid. Our attorneys will stand at your side in these hearings, presenting your side of the case to the court to achieve a fair outcome.
We have the skill and experience that you need during these difficult times. We will fight to ensure that you and your children are protected, either from an abusive spouse or from false claims that threaten to tear you from your family.
To arrange an initial consultation to learn how we can fight for you in restraining order proceedings, please contact our law firm today at 503-855-4777 or toll free at 503-855-4777.