In the last month Brasier Law has written three articles about creating your custody arrangements with your Portland family law attorney. We covered considerations for summer and winter breaks and the rest of the school year. Once you have decided to get a divorce and need a custody plan or decide … Read More
Your Custody Plan and the Holidays
When going through a divorce or custody case, perhaps the easiest part for most people to agree on is custody plan for the holidays. In this article we will discuss some of the arrangements we commonly see as well as considerations to think about when creating your custody plan for the … Read More
Creating a Parenting Plan For the School Year
This is part 2 in a 3 part article discussing options for developing parenting plans. Our aim is for this to be helpful both when you are separated and getting a divorce or when you are already divorced and looking into changing your existing parenting plan for one reason or another. Creating … Read More